21 articles written

Larry Downes


eBay and the Legal Problems with Online Marketplaces

When is a department store not a department store?...

Opinion: What’s Wrong with Net Neutrality

Tired of hearing about "net neutrality"? Better go away...

Cure for the Common Carrier

Here we go again. Late last month, the Supreme...

Larry Downes: If It Ain’t Broke…

In May, Veterans Affairs Secretary R. James Nicholson told...


eBay and the Legal Problems with Online Marketplaces

When is a department store not a department store? When it's a bulletin board. Doesn't make sense, does it? Yet...

‘New’ Software Creates Licensing Problems

In a famous 1882 experiment, researchers found that if you placed a live frog in water and then raised...

Why Web Activity Can Harm Your Business

Can your company be held responsible for illegal activities committed by users of your Web site? For the most...

A Virtual Battle for Value

Aside from missing some favorite shows, why should CIOs care about the recently settled strike by the Writers Guild...

How Congress May Upset IT Executives

One benefit of the U.S. legislative process, which requires passage by the House and the Senate and approval by...

CIOs Still Need to Fear Government Spying

Congress and the Bush administration have been wrangling since 9/11 about expanding the executive branch's wiretapping powers, including the...

Battle Over Linux: When a Win May Not be a Win

In my very first column for CIO Insight ("The Last Refuge," January 2005), I described the efforts of software maker SCO...

The Pointless Privacy Debate

In response to criticism from a british privacy group and European Union data overseers, Google recently announced it would...

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