Adjusting to Expanding Data Center Demand

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How to Cope With Ever-Expanding Data Center Demand

Growing PresenceGrowing Presence

More than one-half of CIOs and other survey respondents said their companies have expanded their data center capacity over the past five years, and 69% anticipate doing so over the next five years.

Long-Term CommitmentLong-Term Commitment

63% of those surveyed feel that the strong growth of data center demand will last for at least 10 years, with 37% saying it will last more than 10 years.

Biggest Data Center Management ChallengesBiggest Data Center Management Challenges

Dealing with expense management/tight budgets: 25%, Planning for the future: 17%, Discerning true requirements: 8%, Being restricted by limited capital: 8%

Most Common Data Center Design MistakesMost Common Data Center Design Mistakes

Not considering/not planning for the future: 18%, Lack of planning for accurate capacity: 15%, Choosing inappropriate airflow/cooling system: 10%

Inside JobInside Job

64% of survey respondents said they own and manage all or most of their data center operations in-house.

Decisions, DecisionsDecisions, Decisions

37% said they struggle to determine how much capacity is needed when planning a data center expansion, and 20% said it’s difficult to decide whether to build, renovate or lease.

Attractive Leasing OptionsAttractive Leasing Options

31% said they’ll lease data center capacity to avoid or defer capital expenditures, and the same percentage said they’ll do so to decrease their risk. An additional 23% said they seek better speed to market by leasing.

Ways to Expand Data Center Capacity Over the Next 12 to 24 MonthsWays to Expand Data Center Capacity Over the Next 12 to 24 Months

Build: 47%, Renovate: 28%, Lease: 26%

Majority StakeMajority Stake

Survey respondents predicted that IT providers will own 42% of the nation’s servers 10 years from now, and real estate solution providers will own 31%.

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