IT Systems Fall Short of Contact Center Needs

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IT Systems Fall Short of Contact Center Needs

Tech ConnectionTech Connection

More than 35% of all contact center interactions are now digitally enabled via email, Web chats, social media and smartphone apps.

Forward MomentumForward Momentum

74% of survey participants said overall contact center interactions will increase within two years, and 87% said non-voice digital interactions will rise within that time.

Difference MakerDifference Maker

75% said customer service is a competitive differentiator, up from 63% two years ago.

Precarious PositionPrecarious Position

30% said their IT systems don’t meet current contact center needs, and 79% said their systems won’t meet future needs.

Socially IneptSocially Inept

63% said their call centers have no capacity for social media interactions.

Missing MetricsMissing Metrics

40% said their contact center doesn’t have the tools to conduct data analysis, even though 53% said analytics has the most potential to reshape the industry in the next five years.

Exclusive IntelligenceExclusive Intelligence

52% said their contact centers don’t share customer information with the rest of the company.

Unknown ElementUnknown Element

91% said their organization measures the quality of voice contact interactions, compared to 61% which measure non-voice interactions–despite the acknowledgement of the importance of digitally enabled contact center experiences.

Off PremiseOff Premise

34% said their organizations are planning for a hosted solution for their contact center operations.

How Hosting/Cloud Technologies Benefit Contact CentersHow Hosting/Cloud Technologies Benefit Contact Centers

Increased functionality: 64%, Improved flexibility: 65%, Reduced costs: 62%

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