Why IT Is Increasing Spending for Data Warehouses

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Why IT Is Increasing Spending for Data Warehouses

Ante UpAnte Up

70% of survey respondents said their organization is increasing its data warehouse investment, compared to only 4% whose organizations are decreasing spending for this.

Leading ContributorLeading Contributor

72% said their data warehouse is “very important” to their organization’s business operations.

Biggest Challenges of Current Data Warehousing SolutionBiggest Challenges of Current Data Warehousing Solution

Ability to scale for projected data and user growth: 43%, Expenses required for maintenance and operations: 38%, Steep costs of upfront purchase: 37%, Difficulties users face in learning about solution: 37%, User complaints about solution being too slow: 33%

Home BoundHome Bound

86% of those surveyed use an on-premise data warehouse, while only 32% use a cloud-based one.

Prohibitive PerspectivesProhibitive Perspectives

64% said concerns about data security have kept them from using a cloud-based warehouse, and 26% said it would be too technically complicated to move the data to the cloud.

Partial CommitmentPartial Commitment

55% of those using a cloud-based data warehouse store no more than one-half of their data there.

Top Perceived Benefits of a Cloud-Based Data WarehouseTop Perceived Benefits of a Cloud-Based Data Warehouse

Ability to scale on demand: 66%, Less administration overhead: 59%, Reduced cost: 53%, Capability to easily share access to data: 47%, Simple access for business users: 47%

Big InterestBig Interest

70% of survey respondents said their company is interested in big data, but haven’t yet made any investment into this. Another 16% have made an investment into big data.

Fleeting KnowledgeFleeting Knowledge

88% said they do not have easy access to Hadoop expertise, but 93% said they do have easy access to SQL expertise.

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