Organizations Lack Important ERP Capabilities

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Organizations Lack Important ERP Capabilities

Significant ShortcomingSignificant Shortcoming

80% of global professionals say ERP is critical to their business, but one-half say the performance of their current ERP system is merely “adequate” or “basic.”

Extended WaitExtended Wait

35% say it takes a long time to get the information they’re seeking from their current ERP system.

Immediate NeedImmediate Need

48% say they want ERP to make it easier to access information they want, when they want it.

Remote ControlRemote Control

Just one-half can access their ERP system remotely. Only one-quarter do so via their smartphones and tablets.

Cloudy ForecastCloudy Forecast

64% say they favor some form of cloud deployment for future ERP systems, with just one in five saying they want to keep investing in on-premise tech.

Missing LinkMissing Link

Nearly one-half say social media is especially beneficial for communications with suppliers and customers, but only 10% indicate that their ERP systems make full use of social media to add business value.

Top Five Nations for Future Use of Social Collaboration Tools to Serve BusinessTop Five Nations for Future Use of Social Collaboration Tools to Serve Business

China: 80%, Mexico: 73%, Germany: 57%, U.S.: 56%, U.K.: 52%

High BarHigh Bar

Nearly 30% say the top desired advantage for ERP investment is faster response time—with enhanced performance, scalability and ease of deployment—to improve business agility and growth.

Other Top ERP AdvantagesOther Top ERP Advantages

Ease of use: 24%, Enhanced collaboration with customers, suppliers and employees to make quicker business decisions: 21%, Seamless user experience in accessing information on the move: 15%

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