More Jobs in IT, Although Market Still Unstable: Report

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employment numbers released Jan. 7 by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of
Statistics revealed a net gain of 9,600 in IT-related jobs in December,
representing the seventh straight month of positive job growth in IT labor
segments in federal employment data.

Five bellwether IT job segments in the BLS
data showed a net gain of 45,800 jobs in the last six months of 2010 and 26,000
jobs in October through December. Leading all segments were gains in management
and technical consulting services and computer systems design and related
services segments, which accounted for 89 percent and 85 percent, respectively,
of all new jobs created.

Jobs in the data processing, hosting and related services segment added 200
jobs in December, the worst performing segment in the month. Two job segments
in the computer and electronics products industry category added jobs:
communications equipment (+500 jobs) and computer and peripheral equipment
(+700 jobs).

For more, read the eWeek artricle: IT Sector Posts Employment Gains, Volatility Remains: Report.

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