Office Romances Abound in Today’s Workplace
37% of employees surveyed have dated a co-worker, and 30% of those courtships have led to marriage.
36% of surveyed workers who have had an office romance kept the relationship a secret, even though 25% of those who date colleagues have accidentally run into co-workers while out with their significant other.
25% of those who have had an office relationship have dated someone in a higher position than them –including their boss.
Happy hours: 12%, Late nights on the job: 11%, Lunches: 11%, Chance meetings outside of work: 10%
23% of professionals said that a person’s livelihood influences whether they’d date him or her.
39% of professionals said they wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t work on a consistent basis.
25% wouldn’t date someone if that person has already dated another co-worker.
21% wouldn’t date someone if that person travels extensively for work.
8% said they wouldn’t date someone who works nights, and 6% said the same about people who work weekends.
6% wouldn’t date a person who makes less than they do.