Outrageous Excuses for Being Late to Work

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Outrageous Excuses for Being Late to Work

Outrageous Excuses for Being Late to WorkOutrageous Excuses for Being Late to Work

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, these excuses involve everything from wild animals to wardrobe malfunctions to, yes, even dangerous hair dryers.

Dependably UndependableDependably Undependable

25% of workers say they come in late to work at least once a month, and 13% say they do so once a week.

Reasonable TradeoffReasonable Tradeoff

62% of those who arrive late will stay after-hours to make up for it.

Most Common Late ExcusesMost Common Late Excuses

Traffic: 53%, Oversleeping: 33%, Bad weather: 28%

Out of TimeOut of Time

Two of every three employees and employers feel that the concept of working 9 to 5 is an antiquated practice.

Staunch Standard, Part IStaunch Standard, Part I

51% of employers expect employees to be on time every day, even though most feel ‘9 to 5’ is outdated.

Staunch Standard, Part IIStaunch Standard, Part II

41% of employers have fired someone for being late.

Outrageous Late Excuses: SnowboundOutrageous Late Excuses: Snowbound

“There was fresh powder on the hill. I had to go skiing.”

Outrageous Late Excuses: Animal KingdomOutrageous Late Excuses: Animal Kingdom

“A black bear entered my carport and decided to take a nap on the hood of my car.”

Outrageous Late Excuses: Fashionably LateOutrageous Late Excuses: Fashionably Late

“All of my clothes were stolen.”

Outrageous Late Excuses: Blown AwayOutrageous Late Excuses: Blown Away

“My hair caught on fire from my blow dryer.”

Outrageous Late Excuses: Honest AnswerOutrageous Late Excuses: Honest Answer

“I thought of quitting today, but then decided not to, so I came in late.”

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