What Makes (and Breaks) Professional Reputations

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What Makes (and Breaks) Professional Reputations

What Makes (and Breaks) Professional ReputationsWhat Makes (and Breaks) Professional Reputations

It’s nearly impossible to keep work and personal lives completely separate in today’s hyper-connected world, but it’s smart to avoid certain “reputation killers.”

Making an ImpressionMaking an Impression

47% of surveyed Millennials think about their at-work reputation “all” or “most” of the time, compared to 37% of Gen Xers and 26% of Baby Boomers who do.

Good Rep: Work at HandGood Rep: Work at Hand

93% of Boomers believe that doing a good job helps build a positive reputation at work, compared to 89% of Gen Xers and 81% of Millennials who feel this way.

Good Rep: Polite CompanyGood Rep: Polite Company

72% of Boomers say being courteous contributes to a good reputation, as opposed to 67% of Gen Xers and 64% of Millennials who agree.

Good Rep: Extra EffortGood Rep: Extra Effort

48% of Millennials believe that volunteering for assignments/additional work helps build a positive reputation, versus 44% of Boomers and 43% of Gen Xers who say the same.

Good Rep: Midnight OilGood Rep: Midnight Oil

38% of Millennials say staying late to complete work can enhance your reputation, while 34% of Boomers and 33% of Gen Xers agree.

Good Rep: Smart SnacksGood Rep: Smart Snacks

30% of Millennials believe that bringing food, drinks and snacks to share with co-workers helps build a positive reputation, but just 19% of Gen Xers and 13% of Boomers feel this way.

Bad Rep: Timely IssueBad Rep: Timely Issue

81% of Boomers say being late to work and meetings can damage your reputation, compared to 78% of Gen Xers and 73% of Millennials who say this.

Bad Rep: Word of Mouth, Part IBad Rep: Word of Mouth, Part I

79% of Boomers feel that saying negative things about co-workers can lead to a bad reputation, while 74% of Gen Xers and 68% of Millennials agree.

Bad Rep: Word of Mouth, Part IIBad Rep: Word of Mouth, Part II

74% of Boomers believe that taking part in gossip about colleagues can hurt your reputation, and 72% of Gen Xers and 64% of Millennials feel the same way.

Bad Rep: Solo EffortBad Rep: Solo Effort

70% of Millennials and Gen Xers say not being helpful/collaborative with co-workers can lead to a negative reputation, while 66% of Boomers agree.

Bad Rep: Heated RivalryBad Rep: Heated Rivalry

37% of Millennials say being too competitive can damage your reputation, but just 29% of Gen Xers and 28% of Boomers feel this way.

Equal FootingEqual Footing

21% of Millennials say their social media reputation is just as important to them as their at-work reputation, compared to 14% of Gen Xers and 13% of Boomers who agree.

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