Furniture Company Boosts Ad Sales

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By Sara Shikhman

Despite our position as a leading furniture retailer, faced several challenges when it came to online advertising efforts. Although we were enjoying a healthy growth in sales, our search marketing conversion rates had stagnated for the past few years despite increased ad spending. Every dollar we were adding to Google AdWords and search engine optimization was not returning as much as it had in the past.

We turned to LivePerson to explore creative ways to improve our ad strategy while also maximizing every dollar in our limited advertising budget. We chose to deploy Keyword Lift, a turnkey solution that integrates with search campaign data and uses a unique keyword-scoring algorithm to identify keywords with the greatest potential for boosting ROI.

We were up and running with the solution in a matter of days, and the deployment process was easy and intuitive. Keyword Lift leveraged the data that was already in our Google AdWords account and refreshed it automatically as our campaigns changed. And, just as important, the solution didn’t require any work on our end except deciding which offers to present to our customers.

The results were both immediate and dramatic. After deploying the Keyword Lift solution, we saw a 57 percent increase in revenue and a 54 percent increase in conversion rate, both of which were unprecedented for us. In addition, our online sales as a percentage of total sales increased by 53 percent.

After deploying the solution, also experienced additional unforeseen benefits. For example, many prospects who clicked on a search ad would contact the company about inventory and discounts. With Keyword Lift, the targeted content provided this information upfront, improving self service and helping deflect costly calls.

Post-click personalization also helped us improve the overall customer experience on our Website. After we implemented the solution, many customers told us that they had a more personalized and seamless online experience and got the right deal at the right time, resulting in an increase in customer satisfaction and, ultimately, sales.

Keyword Lift has been a very important revenue source for our company and has allowed us to significantly boost ROI, while staying ahead of the curve.


About the Author

Sara Shikhman is president of

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