Like a kid brother who looks up to his older siblings, midsize businesses
have a lot to learn from the billion-dollar behemoths that dominate the Fortune
500. And all indications are that in 2007, mid-market companies will be going to
school in earnest.
Among the new tricks midsize companies are expected to pick up next year are
disaster recovery, outsourcing and business intelligence. But with limited budget
and staffing constraints, the mid-market needs to get creative when it comes to
emulating the big shots. Fortunately, there are ways it can be done. What follows
are some examples of how IT will get done next year in the mid-market.
In this package:
Playing Catch-Up
Midsize companies need to tackle some major I.T. challenges in the year ahead if they want to join the big leagues.
Here’s how smaller firms’ I.T. strategies compare with those of larger companies.