Health IT Goes Global

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The Online Resource Center is a new feature of the LIGHT Initiative, which eHI established in 2004 to facilitate learning and information sharing among HIT innovators and other nations, in both the developed and developing world.

“Countries around the world have become increasingly interested in the potential contributions that health information technology, electronic connectivity, and a health information infrastructure can make to improve healthcare for their citizens. New tools will help us address pressing challenges — from preventative care to pandemics,” said Susan Penfield, Chairwoman of the eHI LIGHT Initiative and Booz Allen Hamilton vice president.

Key features of the eHI LIGHT Online Resource Center include continent-specific summaries of current HIT activities and an overview of identified areas of global HIT collaboration on:

— Leadership

— Funding and financial incentives to support sustainability

— Technical issues, including architecture, applications, standards and security

— Organizational and clinical process change

— Engagement of citizens and consumers

— HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts.

Read the full story on the eHealth Initiative site

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