Resource Center: Virtualization

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  • Case Study: Squeezing the Servers

    When grape-processor Welch Foods was forced to consolidate two plants into one, it took the opportunity to consolidate servers. How? Virtualization.

  • Virtues and Vices of Virtualization

    The brave new world of virtualization is bringing corporate technology closer to the Holy Grail of IT asset management: fully shared, on-demand computing.

  • Virtualization 2.0

    The state of the art in virtualization lies in spreading the technology’s benefits across the enterprise. But security and manageability remain issues.

  • Hardware Power

    Get more oomph from your processors—and run more than one always-on app in the bargain.

  • The Efficient Organization

    Virtualization software can help consolidate IT and cut costs beyond servers or storage units.

  • A Virtualization Quiz

    Can network virtualization help your company? Take this online quiz and find out.
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