Cloud Application Performance
Cloud infrastructure tops the list but by a small margin. Cloud Infrastructure: 12%, Flexible Renegotiation of Outsourcing Contracts: 10%, Business Analytics, Big Data and In-Memory Computing: 9%, SAP Consolidation: 9%, Mobile Apps: 8%
Cloud computing leads the pack, trouncing other technologies. Cloud Computing: 17%, Mobile IT: 14%, Business Analytics, Big Data and In-Memory Computing: 11%, Smart Computing and Automation: 11%, IT Consumerization: 10%
Routine use cases still dominate, but mission-critical applications are starting to climb up the list. Cloud for Test and Backup: 24%, Implementing Private Clouds: 17%, Public and Hybrid Clouds: 15%, SAP in the Cloud: 9%, Cloud Security: 8%
CIOs’ concerns about isolated cloud stacks are high. Full Cloud Integration: 25%, Cloud SLAs and QoS: 14%, Cloud Service Broker: 13%, Business Apps in the Cloud: 11%, Cloud Security: 9%
Sales and marketing applications should dominate the cloud. (Numbers refer to responses.) E-Commerce: 379 , Web Analytics: 358 , Public Cloud and SaaS: 356 , Public Cloud and IaaS: 346 , Ad Services: 344 , Social Media: 342
The vast majority of respondents realize there are a lot of potential downstream issues. Yes: 370 respondents, No: 76 respondents, Don’t Know: 22 respondents
Performance issues in the cloud are a top-of-mind issue. Poor End User Experience Caused by Bottlenecks: 301 respondents, Impact of Poor Performance on Brand: 239 respondents, Loss of Revenue Caused by Availability and Performance Issues: 204 respondents
There isn’t much sophistication actually being applied., Availability and uptime: 33%, Response Time: 24%, End User Experience: 18%, Ping: 12%, Business Transaction Management: 9%
Companies have a lot of complexity to content with now. N-Tier Application Performance Management: 19%, Real-Time Monitoring With Big Data Integration: 16%, Cloud Application Performance: 14%, End-to-End SLAs: 13%, CMDB Integration: 10%
The main challenges involve making the cloud work to its full potential. Real-Time Big Data: 19%, Full Cloud Performance Management: 19%, Integrated Cost and Performance Management: 16%, Converged Business Process Performance Management: 14%, True End to End SLAs: 11%