DevOps and Cloud Combo Boosts Software Performance
Few organizations are making extensive use of both the cloud and DevOps, even though the combination greatly improves software delivery.
Just 20% of the IT professionals surveyed said their organization makes extensive use of both the cloud and DevOps. 17% said the same about the cloud only, and 15% said the same about DevOps only.
Only 23% said they are doing exceedingly well in reducing the cost of their software projects.
Just 35% said they’re doing exceedingly well in making promised software delivery more predictable, reliable and transparent.
Only 37% of the IT professionals surveyed said they’re doing exceedingly well in speeding up the delivery of software to production.
Just 41% said they’re doing exceedingly well in improving the quality of the software they deliver.
Only 42% of the IT professionals surveyed said they are doing exceedingly well in improving user and customer experiences through the software they deliver.
Organizations making extensive use of both clouds and DevOps reported an 81% improvement in KPIs such as speed, predictability, quality, user and customer experience, and cost controls.
88% said they are trying to exploit tech to conduct the “same business” in new ways, and 87% said they are attempting to use tech to offer new business services.
77% said their organization is seeing new and disruptive engagement models emerge as business threats, and 76% said the same about new and disruptive products and services.