Why Cloud Deployment Is at a Crossroads
The majority of surveyed IT decision-makers struggle to form an effective cloud strategy, so business managers often avoid IT and purchase cloud services.
Less than 14% of survey respondents describe their organization’s cloud deployment as an “internal corporate standard,” and more than three of five said this deployment is only “limited” or is even in an “experimentation” stage.
54% of IT decision-makers said their teams struggle to form an effective cloud strategy, and 52% lack a formalized cloud strategy entirely.
53% of these decision-makers said they struggle to recruit the needed skills to support cloud initiatives.
34% said their IT department has experienced a cloud failure caused by their staff’s actions.
57% said they have exceeded cloud budgets, and 44% said they struggle to hold lines of business accountable for cloud spending.
More than one-quarter of line-of-business managers “rarely” or never involve IT in app purchases.
36% of these business managers who don’t involve IT in app purchases said they do this because they have their own tech budget and can “do as (we) please.”
33% of these managers said they don’t involve IT because they didn’t think such involvement was necessary.