CIOs Overwhelmed With Obsolete Apps
48% of CIOs and other tech leaders say their company has more applications than it needs, up from just 34% in 2011.
76% say that app modernization is important to their organization’s business objectives.
About seven of 10 respondents believe that up to one-fifth of their current apps share similar functionality and should be consolidated.
Only 37% say that a majority of their apps are critical to their business.
58% say their organizations do not have a framework and methodology to help the application portfolio meet business objectives, and 46% of those CIOs and tech leaders say such a framework is needed.
Replacement: 36%, Enhancement: 36%, Consolidation: 28%
61% say total IT spending within business will increase over the next five years. Just 11% say it will decrease.
Increasing efficiencies through tech systems: 55%, Boosting productivity: 47%, Cutting overall business costs: 36%, Improving quality of apps: 27%, Enabling innovation through apps: 26%
Cloud computing: 56%, Mobility: 54%, Social: 41%, Big data: 34%
Data security: 61%, Data quality: 43%, Complexity of IT landscape: 40%, Obsolete, outdated tech: 34%, Governance and service integration: 33%