How SaaS Pacesetters Are Gaining an Advantage

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How SaaS Pacesetters Are Gaining an Advantage

Bond BuildingBond Building

70% of IT and business decision-makers at “pacesetter” organizations say SaaS is strengthening the IT and business relationship, compared to just 39% of those at “chasers.”

Robust CollaborationRobust Collaboration

71% of those working for pacesetters say there’s strong collaboration between IT and business for SaaS selection and deployment, as opposed to only 36% of those who work for chasers.

A Protective PostureA Protective Posture

35% of those with pacesetters say IT and business collaborates strongly on SaaS security issues, while 24% of those with chasers say the same.

Better Self-ServiceBetter Self-Service

Three-quarters of those with pacesetters say they’ve significantly improved self-service capabilities through SaaS, compared to just 26% of those with chasers.

Productivity IncreasesProductivity Increases

70% of those with pacesetters say they’re optimizing business processes and workflows through SaaS, as opposed to 31% of chasers.

Big Data AnalyticsBig Data Analytics

Nearly three-quarters of those with pacesetters use SaaS to leverage analytics and gain insight from large masses of data, while barely one-third of those with chasers claim the same.

Game ChangerGame Changer

71% of those with pacesetters say SaaS has changed their organization’s business model, as opposed to 30% of those with chasers.

Top Customer-Facing Benefits of SaaS Among PacesettersTop Customer-Facing Benefits of SaaS Among Pacesetters

Shortened time to market for products and services: 71%, Improved customer experience: 68%, Increased innovation and new and improved products: 66%

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