How Tech Tools Can Grow Customer Loyalty
IT solutions that enhance the ability to listen to customers are emerging as top tools to boost satisfaction levels among those customers.
88% of survey respondents believe that retaining customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.
97% said customer satisfaction is increasingly driving business performance, and 94% said satisfied customers are increasingly becoming brand ambassadors.
89% said that receiving instant feedback from customers helps their organization capture opportunities and solve problems.
73% said their company is using tech tools that leverage customer feedback to develop real-time strategies.
89% said companies need to focus more now on customer outcomes (like retention, satisfaction, etc.) than outputs (such as products and services).
99% believe that employees are their organization’s most valuable asset.
94% said customer feedback can help their organization retain good employees.
90% feel that customer feedback can help identify rising stars among their staffers.
99% said recognizing employee contributions helps retain good workers.