HP Launches IT Performance Suite for the Enterprise

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Keeping its promise to continually increase its focus on software, HP has introduced a new suite of software to measure and improve IT performance for enterprise customers.

“We are repositioning our entire portfolio into the HP Performance Suite. We’re in a position to cover, end to end, the operational and analytical needs of enterprise IT executives,” Marge Breya, general manager for software at HP, told eWEEK.

“This announcement clearly indicates HP’s understanding of the role software plays in every enterprise, said Theresa Lanowitz, founder of the Voke industry analysis firm. “Executives at the highest level of an organization know that the software used to run the company is inextricably linked to the brand. Having visibility across the organization, a more proactive management of IT is enabled.”

Lanowitz also noted that she believes HP’s announcement of the HP IT Performance Suite signals a shift in HP’s overall view of the market. “HP’s view is shifting from one of products and solutions for a specific group or role within IT to one of a holistic and comprehensive view of the business of IT,” she said.

HP officials said IT executives need standardized, efficient tools that measure, benchmark and improve performance. Having a comprehensive view of this performance enables CIOs to deliver what HP calls “an Instant-On Enterprise” that embeds technology in everything it does to serve customers, employees, partners and citizens with everything they need, instantly, the company said.

However, most KPIs (key performance indicators) for IT are collected across disparate systems using different methods. This creates management complexities that can slow responses to shifting priorities and changing market conditions.

“We’re going after the silos that exist and negatively impact IT performance management,” Breya said.

To do this, HP is implementing a series of scorecards and a series of products tailored to the major professions in IT, Breya said. “The first one is tailored toward the CIO, and we’ve identified 170 KPIs. However, the first release will have about 50 KPIs,” she said.

The HP IT Performance Suite includes the new HP IT Executive Scorecard and helps IT perform better by providing CIOs insight from across a broad range of solutions to manage and optimize application development, infrastructure and operations management, security, information management, and financial planning and administration.

For more, read the eWEEK article: HP Launches IT Performance Suite.

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