Top 9 Advantages of Open Source Software

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Open source software has come a long way over the years, and there are many reasons to incorporate this technology into the enterprise. Here the top nine advantages of open source software.

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Top 9 Advantages of Open Source Software

1. The Price Is Right

Open source products stick to a very non-commercial vibe, so most projects don’t ask for fees.

2. All About Quality

Open source is all about improving tech in real time. Often, the industry’s finest talent lends support to open source communities.

3. Control

In the commercial world, vendors have control over code and costs. When you implement an open source solution, the code can be modified to suit your needs and stay within your budget.

4. Continuity

When a commercial software company goes out of business, or stops servicing a software product, you’re out of luck. If any open source leader “leaves” a project or community, others take over.

5. Smart Move

Through both open source communities and internal collaboration, your tech team will get a better sense of the overall IT practices, resources, and tools out there. As such, you can better serve your organization.

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6. Many Overseers of Code

True, there are concerns about open source and security. But with varied talent looking at the code in communities, there are more professionals overseeing the code’s integrity.

7. Bugs Out

With an abundance of open source community members, bugs are typically found and fixed early.

8. No Sales Pressure

Contrary to commercial software channels, you won’t get pressured to invest in upgrades that often have limited value when you choose an open source product.

9. Be a Hero

When IT professionals take a leading role in supporting the open source community, it casts your team (and company) in a more positive light.

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