Container Adoption Growth Results in ROI

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As Container Adoption Grows, ROI Soon Follows

As Container Adoption Grows, ROI Soon FollowsAs Container Adoption Grows, ROI Soon Follows

Containers, which enclose pieces of code in a layer of software that can be transported easily between computers, have potential for big cost savings.

Broad AdoptionBroad Adoption

70% of IT pros said their companies use containers today and another 21% indicate their organization plans to do so soon.

Contained CostsContained Costs

37% said budget savings on IT infrastructure/management is a top driver of container adoption, while 21% cite the increased frequency of software releases.

Top Container Tech in UseTop Container Tech in Use

CoreOS: 33%, Google Kubernetes: 32%, Docker: 25%

Cloudy DaysCloudy Days

44% of survey respondents said their company is running containers in either Azure or AWS.

Appealing AlternativesAppealing Alternatives

30% said their organization is running containers in an IT hosting provider’s facility and/or third party data center, and 27% are doing so within their own internal data center.

Biggest Benefits of ContainersBiggest Benefits of Containers

Improved flexibility for IT infrastructure: 63%, Overall IT cost savings: 53%, Increased speed/productivity for developers launching code: 52%, Greater responsiveness to business needs: 40%, More ROI from the cloud: 38%

Economical ToolEconomical Tool

Two-thirds of IT pros expect their company to save at least 16% on its IT budget by using containers, with one-fifth indicating the savings will exceed 30%.

Biggest Challenges of Using ContainersBiggest Challenges of Using Containers

Integrating them into existing IT environment: 55%, Securing them: 53%, Avoiding sprawl and cost overruns: 47%, Hiring enough expertise/staff: 42%, Orchestrating and automating them: 34%

Top Non-Container IT Initiatives in PlaceTop Non-Container IT Initiatives in Place

Big data/analytics: 76%, Public cloud services: 69%, DevOps: 56%, Automated code deployment: 48%, Legacy app modernization: 40%

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