The Staggering Cost of System Downtime
Human error, network failures, app bugs and the ever-troublesome hacker have made system outages a constant concern for far too many organizations.
57% of IT pros say their company has had at least one systems outage in the past three months, and 31% say they’ve had an outage either in the past week or month.
39% have set recovery time objectives (RTOs) at more than 30 minutes, and an additional 6% haven’t even established any RTOs.
73% say downtime costs their organization more than $10,000 a day.
Human error: 22%, Network failure: 20%, App bugs: 15%, Storage failures: 11%, External threats, such as a hack: 11%
77% say their service availability goal is 99.9% (“three nines”) or better, or less than nine hours of downtime a year.
52% say their company meets availability goals “most of the time” and 38% say they do so “consistently.”
22% say their organization doesn’t measure service availability at all.
Just 40% notify customers about a service availability event when it occurs.
Only 45% say their company uses disaster recovery for more than half of their servers.
54% say they are targeting public cloud sources for disaster recovery platforms, and 35% are looking at private cloud sources.