10 Ways to Present a Convincing Case for IT

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10 Ways to Present a Convincing Case for IT

Find a Trusted Party WithinFind a Trusted Party Within

Take advantage of this relationship to test drive your idea over coffee, lunch or a beer.

Make a Strong Presentation ImpressionMake a Strong Presentation Impression

It starts at the beginning: Take the time to firmly shake the hands of everyone in the room, with a warm smile and engaged eye contact.

Give a 30-Second Version of Your Full PresentationGive a 30-Second Version of Your Full Presentation

Start the formal meeting with this short summary so everyone knows what will happen throughout the presentation and what ground must be covered.

Stand, Don't SitStand, Don’t Sit

You’ll convey more energy by standing, and your physical presence will better command the room.

Identify Each Participant’s Objectives Up FrontIdentify Each Participant’s Objectives Up Front

This way, they know you took the time to find out about their aims and are more likely to conclude that your idea aligns with their needs.

Begin With a StoryBegin With a Story

As much as CIOs love metrics, you have to introduce a story early on that frames the existing problem and the impact-making potential of the solution.

Determine Allies and AdversariesDetermine Allies and Adversaries

Study body and facial language for a quick read, then try to engage allies to neutralize the adversaries.

Don't Shut Adversaries OutDon’t Shut Adversaries Out

Let them bring up all of their concerns. Then relate to each concern in an empathetic, problem-solving manner that speaks to mutual interests.

Disclose all RoadblocksDisclose all Roadblocks

If you don’t, someone else will. So preemptively indicate how you’d address each one, to convey a strong sense of proactive anticipation.

Respect Their TimeRespect Their Time

Whatever the agreed-upon, pre-determined time, make your presentation shorter: It’s a sure way to gain a new fan. No one likes overlong presentations.

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