Enterproid Helps Split Work and Personal Data on Android

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Even though its U.S.

smartphone market share is shriveling, Research In Motion still commands the bulk of the

enterprise mobile handset market.

The problem is that while RIM has spent a decade grooming corporations to

get BlackBerrys into the hands of corporate road warriors, Apple iPhone and

Google Android handsets are popping up like mushrooms all over the workforce.

This consumerization of IT has increased the need for companies to address

age-old security concerns that RIM had mitigated with its BlackBerry Enterprise

Server and other tools for locking down enterprise data.  

While the pressing need to secure iPhone and Android gadgets, including

tablets, is boosting the market for Sybase, Good Technology and Zenprise, it’s

also opening the door for new entrants.

Enter Enterproid, whose value proposition is letting users create and keep

personal and professional profiles on one smartphone or tablet.

For more, read the eWEEK article: Android Personal, Work Data Security Split with Enterproid .

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