How CIOs and CMOs Can Work Together Better
There is a tech disconnect between CIOs and CMOs. 38% of CMOs site old technology as the biggest barrier to delivering on digital initiatives, for example.
It’s critical for IT and marketing departments to cultivate a strong partnership. Otherwise, marketing may seek out third parties or create their own technology chiefs.
CIOs should try to cultivate outside-in learning so that colleagues see their department as a resource for evaluating new technologies.
For a more balanced digital capability in which both IT and business bring skills and knowledge to the table, work together to deliver a digital strategy.
53% of companies say their organization has a common roadmap of their business strategy. But CIOs and CMOs don’t agree on operationalizing that roadmap. Get explicit agreement as to who owns what initiative, their roles and how to measure success.
Redefine the way digital capabilities are designed to ensure that the right decision-makers and skill sets are engaged in developing ideas, designing, planning, estimating and sourcing.
Only 29% of organizations say they use agile processes on half of their projects, yet agile processes can promote adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery, an iterative approach, and encourage rapid and flexible response to change.