How ‘Digital Winners’ Become Market Leaders
Measuring up to the demands of the digital economy is no simple task, yet companies that become “digital winners” are more likely to become market leaders.
75% of survey respondents at digital winners said their organization’s decisions are data-driven, compared to 58% of those at other companies who said this is the case.
76% of respondents at digital winners said their company has strong revenue and profit growth, compared to 55% of those at other organizations who claim the same.
75% of those at digital winners said their organization maps decisions directly to company strategies, but only 53% of respondents at other companies said they do this.
63% of those at digital winners said their company’s decisions are made in real-time, compared to just 46% of respondents at other organizations who claim the same.
58% of respondents at digital winners said their organization’s decisions are made transparent to the people affected by them, but only 44% of those at other companies said this happens where they work.
87% of those at digital winners have satisfied employees, as opposed to 63% of respondents at other companies.
75% of respondents at digital winners said their leadership makes regular contact with employees, but just 46% of those at other companies said this happens at work.
81% of those at digital winners said highly talented people can advance quickly at their organization, but only 63% of respondents at other companies claim the same.
75% of respondents at digital winners have employees who are likely to stay in their jobs if given a chance to leave, but only 54% of those at other organizations said this about their employees.
66% of those at digital winners said their company recognizes diversity’s positive impact on corporate culture, compared to 47% of respondents at other companies who said their organization does this.