How High Performers Pursue Digital Innovation

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How High Performers Pursue Digital Innovation

How High Performers Pursue Digital InnovationHow High Performers Pursue Digital Innovation

Nearly one-third of surveyed C-level execs said a lack of internal talent for digital projects is a top challenge in meeting digital program priorities.

Fiscal StatementFiscal Statement

71% of surveyed C-level execs expect digital initiatives to increase top-line revenues over the next three years, and 64% say these efforts will boost profit margins.

Top Digital Value DriversTop Digital Value Drivers

Digital engagement of customers: 26%. Digital innovation: 23%. Automation/business processes improvement: 21%

Top Sponsors of Digital InitiativesTop Sponsors of Digital Initiatives

CEOs: 46%, CIOs: 35%, CMOs: 32%, Business-unit heads: 23%, CFOs: 19%

Major Hurdles, Part IMajor Hurdles, Part I

31% of C-level execs say a lack of internal leadership/talent made available for digital projects represents a top challenge in meeting digital program priorities, while 25% cite an absence of both data and an understanding of how digital trends affect industry and organizational competitiveness.

Major Hurdles, Part IIMajor Hurdles, Part II

25% say the inability to keep pace with the faster speed of business due to digital creates a top challenge in achieving digital program priorities, while the same percentage cite the failure to adopt an experimentation mindset.

Required ReviewRequired Review

53% of C-level execs at high-performing organizations say their company now reviews its portfolio for digital-related opportunities and challenges more frequently than it did three years ago, compared to 35% of all other respondents who say they do this.


51% of C-level execs at high-performing organizations indicate that they’ve made significant changes to the risk profile and time horizon of their business portfolio in response to digital trends over the past three years, as opposed to just 21% of all other survey participants who say their company did this.

Culture ClubCulture Club

48% of C-level execs at high-performing organizations say appealing levels of culture, energy and morale among digital employees helps them attract and retain these workers, compared to 32% of other respondents who say this is the case.

Thrill RideThrill Ride

47% of C-level execs at high-performing organizations say the “cutting edge/exciting” nature of their company’s digital work enables them to recruit and retain these employees, as opposed to 27% of all other respondents who claim this.

Taking ChargeTaking Charge

31% of C-level execs at high-performing organizations credit their “strong, well-connected” digital leadership team for its success in attracting and keeping these employees, compared to 23% of all other respondents who say this.

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