HR Execs: Lousy Leadership Is Leading Cause of Low Morale

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Poor leadership, not salaries or benefits, is the leading cause of low workplace morale, according to a survey released July 24 by Challenger, Grey and Christmas, a Chicago-based outplace consulting organization.

Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of the responding human resources executives put the blame for low morale on leadership problems.

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“Leadership, or the lack thereof, creates the work environment. If there is confusion about what leadership expects, frustration sets in and morale sinks,” John Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Grey and Christmas, said in a statement

Eleven percent of the executives blamed bad workplace vibes on salary and benefits, while 16 percent attributed low morale to heavy workloads.

Respondents didn’t consider morale the most pressing workplace issue, however—35 percent chose “managing change.”

Read the full story on HR Execs: Lousy Leadership Is Leading Cause of Low Morale