Employees Face Work-Life Flexibility Obstacles

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Employees Face Work-Life Flexibility Obstacles

Across the BoardAcross the Board

97% of employees say they have some form of work-life flexibility, and 23% say they have more work-life flexibility than they did last year.

Mutual AgreementMutual Agreement

58% say that they and their employer share control over the level of work-life flexibility allowed, while 23% say it is entirely dictated by their company.

Roadblock AheadRoadblock Ahead

62% say they face obstacles in pursuing work-life flexibility.

Top Obstacles for Work-Life FlexibilityTop Obstacles for Work-Life Flexibility

Increased workload and no time: 37%, Fear of making less money and losing a job: 28%, Concerns over hurting career and work-ethic impressions among colleagues: 20%

Unhappy CampersUnhappy Campers

68% say a lack of work-life flexibility hurts employee loyalty and morale.

Troubling DiagnosisTroubling Diagnosis

64% say a lack of work-life flexibility creates stress and other health issues.

Counter-Productive DevelopmentCounter-Productive Development

64% feel a lack of work-life flexiblity negatively impacts performance, including work engagement, creativity and productivity.

Without a CompassWithout a Compass

57% say they get no training or guidance on how to manage work-life flexibility.

Gender Divide, Part IGender Divide, Part I

70% of women employees say a lack of work-life flexibility results in health issues, compared to 61% of men.

Gender Divide, Part IIGender Divide, Part II

44% of female workers say an increased workload and lack of time is keeping them from enjoying work-life flexibility, compared to 33% of men.

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