How a Lack of Automated Tools Hurts IT Support

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How a Lack of Automated Tools Hurts IT Support


Managers spend an average of two days per week on administrative tasks that prevent them from doing strategic-based work.


Nine out of 10 of those surveyed said their productivity depends on the efficiency of routine work processes provided by other departments–such as providing IT support.

Antiquated Approach, Part IAntiquated Approach, Part I

Nine out of 10 surveyed managers said they’d be more productive if their work processes were automated, but four out of five companies still use unstructured manual tools (such as email and spreadsheets) to drive routine processes.

Antiquated Approach, Part IIAntiquated Approach, Part II

44% said the use of email and spreadsheets for managing work hurts productivity.


78% said delays within IT support negatively impact productivity.

Unfortunate EncounterUnfortunate Encounter

60% describe their experiences with IT support as “time consuming,” and 48% said these interactions are frustrating.

Traditional ToolTraditional Tool

43% said email still drives most IT support processes, compared to just 15% who said automated online app technology does.

Crowded FieldCrowded Field

44% said an average of three departments get involved with a typical IT support incident, and 16% said anywhere from five to 10 departments will get involved with such matters.

Home AdvantageHome Advantage

Three-quarters said they would like support processes at work to be as simple and self-service-oriented as Amazon, OpenTable and other services they use at home.

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