Office Politics Dictated Holiday Gift Giving

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Office Politics Dictated Holiday Gift Giving

Selfless DispositionsSelfless Dispositions

52% of American workers planned to give gifts to their coworkers this season, yet 55% don’t expect to receive anything in return.

Fairer SexFairer Sex

58% of women planned to give a gift to coworkers this season, compared to 47% of men.

Distribution ChannelsDistribution Channels

36% planned to give to their peers, and 27% intended to give to their bosses.

Mirror ImageMirror Image

22% believe that a holiday gift bought by someone in the workplace should reflect how much money they make.

Spending LimitSpending Limit

44% paid no more than $20 in buying a gift for a coworker.

Source of TensionSource of Tension

37% say buying gifts for colleagues stresses them out as much as holiday shopping for those who aren’t coworkers.

Hidden AgendaHidden Agenda

58% believe that most employees give gifts to bosses in order to get ahead.

One-Up the OthersOne-Up the Others

11% who have purchased a gift for a boss say they’ve spent more than their coworkers in order to outshine them.

A One-Sided RelationshipA One-Sided Relationship

Only 9% of bosses plan to give a gift to those who report to them.

What Employees Want From the Boss Instead of Traditional GiftsWhat Employees Want From the Boss Instead of Traditional Gifts

Cash bonus: 74%, Extra day off: 29%, A handwritten thank-you card: 12%, A lavish holiday party: 9%

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