Six Outrageous Excuses for Calling in Sick
32% of workers have called in sick during the past year when they weren’t actually ill.
30% have gone to work despite being sick in order to “save” that sick leave for when they’re feeling well.
Relax: 28%, Catch up on sleep: 19%, Run errands: 14%
30% of employers say they’ve checked in on employees who call in sick, to make sure they’re telling the truth—and 16% say they’ve fired staffers for faking it.
Require a doctor’s note: 64%, Call the employee at home: 48%, Check the employee’s social media posts: 19%, Have another staffer call the employee: 17%, Drive past the employee’s house: 15%
An employee’s favorite football team lost on Sunday, so he said he needed Monday to recover.
A worker said she couldn’t leave the house because someone glued her doors and windows shut.
An employee got lost driving to work and ended up in another state.
A staffer said a swarm of bees was surrounding his vehicle, so he couldn’t make it in.
An employee couldn’t work because she bit her tongue and was unable to talk.
An employee failed to show up at work because she couldn’t decide what to wear.