Emerging Technologies May 2006: Which Technologies Make Sense for Your Company?

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Ready for takeoff: Our survey of 45 emerging technologies finds team collaboration tools, business process platforms/management suites, server virtualization, and open source databases, development tools and languages are considered “most likely to provide business value” for their companies.

What computing and software technologies are on your CIO’s radar screen? Click here to read our survey’s findings.

What mobility, collaboration and business process technologies is your company implementing? Click here to read our survey’s findings.

These dogs rarely hunt. Why are some technologies—not just grid, but also utility computing, self-healing/autonomic computing, Semantic Web and MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems)—taking so long to be adopted? Click here to read our analysis.

Are CIOs stifling web 2.0 technologies? Users are plunging into blogs, RSS, podcasts, tagging, and Wikis. But many CIOs seem to have cold feet about letting users try out new technologies. Click here to see our survey’s findings.

CIOs start adopting emerging technologies more cautiously. Once-emerging technologies like web services, VoIP and blue tooth almost always provide the business value their users hope for. So why are fewer companies claiming to be early adopters? Click here to find the answer.

Click here to download a PDF of our complete Emerging Technology Survey results.

Read our previous emerging technology surveys:

  • Innovation Makes Emerging Technologies Pay Off
  • Emerging Technologies 2004: What’s the Business Case for New Technologies?
  • Emerging Technologies 2003: Are New Technologies Adding Business Value?