How Remote Workers Impact Enterprise Collaboration

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How Remote Workers Impact Enterprise Collaboration

How Remote Workers Impact Enterprise CollaborationHow Remote Workers Impact Enterprise Collaboration

Many organizations with a distributed workforce struggle to ensure that their workplace and tech support contribute to enterprise collaboration.

Design DriversDesign Drivers

85% of execs said their organization’s office space was designed to allow and encourage employees to interact with each other often, and 81% said the improvement of employee productivity was strongly considered.

Concentrated EffortConcentrated Effort

64% of employees said blocking out workplace noise and distractions boosts productivity, and 52% said it reduces work errors while 48% said it allows them to focus on the task at hand.

Optimal Environment, Part IOptimal Environment, Part I

29% of employees said the most important quality of their work environment is the ability to focus and work without interruptions, while 24% cite a need for collaborative space.

Optimal Environment, Part IIOptimal Environment, Part II

Nearly one-of-five said it’s most important to seamlessly connect their device no matter where they are in the office, and 14% said “having my own space” matters most.

Faulty TranslationFaulty Translation

Only 40% of employees said their at-home devices integrate seamlessly with their work tools.

Offsite IssueOffsite Issue

Just two-of-five execs and employees feel that staffers have the tools they need to do their job at home or on the road.

Consolidation PlanConsolidation Plan

65% of employees said they prefer to have devices that work well in their personal and work lives, rather than use different devices for both.


Just 26% of execs said they expect employees to be available after-hours “always” or “frequently,” but 47% of employees said this is expected of them.

Always OnAlways On

43% of execs said they feel pressured to be constantly connected as a result of new, digital tech, and 27% of employees agree.

Brain BlitzBrain Blitz

38% of execs said they experience information overload because of the constant connectivity, and 27% of employees feel the same way.

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