IT Infrastructure: Does Your Infrastructure Support Your Strategy?

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  • 80% say top executives see the business benefits of infrastructure spending
  • 83% say their IT infrastructure provides sufficient flexibility and agility
  • 96% cite customer satisfaction as a business goal for their IT infrastructure
  • 30% of the average company’s systems are legacy systems

    One out of every five dollars spent on IT is being spent on infrastructure, and it appears to be money well spent. In this month’s CIO Insight survey of 561 IT executives, a large majority express satisfaction with the flexibility of their IT infrastructure, and about as many report that their company’s top executives believe their recent infrastructure spending is paying off for the business. Why? Companies have been dramatically reducing their reliance on legacy systems, while simplifying their infrastructure by consolidating their networks, servers and storage infrastructure. Another benefit: surprisingly few respondents now say their IT infrastructure is too complex to support their business goals. Some of the credit must also go to the IT architecture planning that most companies perform, and those companies are much more likely to say their infrastructures are sufficiently flexible. All in all, CIOs are remarkably pleased with their IT infrastructure. Now comes the test: Will continued infrastructure spending result in improved customer satisfaction and better security—the main business and technology goals, respectively, for their IT infrastructures?

    To download the survey results, click here.

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