The Fallacy of IT Consumerization

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The Fallacy of IT Consumerization

Business and IT AttitudesBusiness and IT Attitudes

IT decision-makers (ITDMs) and business decision-makers (BDMs) are pretty closely aligned.

Reliance on Communications to Drive BusinessReliance on Communications to Drive Business

Customers and remote employees are most important constituency.

Effectiveness of Knowledge SharingEffectiveness of Knowledge Sharing

Most agree that knowledge sharing today is either quite or extremely effective.

Impact of Mega Trends on CommunicationsImpact of Mega Trends on Communications

IT people foresee emerging technologies have a major impact.

Importance of Collaboration TechnologiesImportance of Collaboration Technologies

Collaboration crosses many different business functions.

Benefits of Greater CollaborationBenefits of Greater Collaboration

The benefits of improved collaboration are manifold.

Greater Collaboration ChallengesGreater Collaboration Challenges

There’s no shortage of issues to overcome.

Personal Collaboration Tool UsagePersonal Collaboration Tool Usage

Majority expect to see an increase.

Methods Uses to Share Business Files in Last 12 MonthsMethods Uses to Share Business Files in Last 12 Months

E-mail still dominates, but other methods are gaining.

Reasons to Use Own CloudReasons to Use Own Cloud

Business decision-makers perceive internal cloud service is better on multiple counts.

IT Perception of Cloud CollaborationIT Perception of Cloud Collaboration

Not exactly scoring high marks.

IT Concerns About Employee CollaborationIT Concerns About Employee Collaboration

IT clearly thinks they are better equipped to deal with these issues.