11 Qualities of a Strong Board of Directors

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11 Qualities of a Strong Board of Directors

Judgment CallJudgment Call

Do they know when to lead and when to stay out of the way?

Building BlocksBuilding Blocks

Have they proven they can take an idea and collaborate with leaders to turn it into a business-benefiting strategy?

Multifaceted ThinkerMultifaceted Thinker

Are they open-minded enough to evaluate new information, while still maintaining the ability to learn from the past?

Team FocusTeam Focus

Do they bring bench strength by adding intellectual strengths in areas where there are leadership voids?

Buck Stops HereBuck Stops Here

Will they stand tall and remain accountable when the stakes and stress toll is high?

Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement

Do they combine their experience and knowledge base with a sense of mentorship, to make you as well as other executive leaders better?

Agenda DrivenAgenda Driven

Do they prepare diligently for meetings or are they simply winging it?

On PointOn Point

Do they ask insightful, probing questions? Or do they simply ask about matters that are distracting and inconsequential?

Big PictureBig Picture

Do they keep meetings and one-on-one discussions on a strategic level instead of operational?

Forward ThinkingForward Thinking

Are they proactive in building a succession strategy for the board leader and the CEO, even if there are no indications of an immediate departure?

Plus/Minus EquationPlus/Minus Equation

Will they encourage and even inspire innovation while balancing this need with the careful evaluation of potential risk?

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