A Second Life: 10 Web 2.0 Apps CIOs Personally Use

Allan Alter Avatar

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We asked CIOs who participated in this month’s Emerging Technologies Survey to tell us which Web 2.0 applications they use personally. It turns out they’re avid consumers of many of these technologies. Around half watch video online and use wikis, blogs and RSS; about a third use social networking sites like LinkedIn; and 12 percent even use virutal worlds like Second Life.

Which of the following Web applications do you use personally?

Video over the web 54%
Wikis 49
Blogs 48
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 47
Podcasts 39
Social networking (e.g., tagging, social bookmarks, community sites such as del.icio.us, LinkedIn, Technorati) 33
Expertise location and sharing 21
Mashups 13
Virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life) 12
Instant mobile updates (e.g., Twitter) 11
None of the above 11

Source: CIO Insight, August 2007