CFOs Taking Lead Role in IT Decisions

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CFOs Taking Lead Role in IT Decisions

Buck Stops HereBuck Stops Here

40% of CFOs at high-performing organizations drive decisions and actions impacting tech investment, while only 28% of those at low-performing ones do.


45% of CFOs at high performers play the top role in monitoring the ROI of tech from approval to post implementation, compared to 37% of CFOs with low-performers.

Out with the OldOut with the Old

23% of CFOs at high performers say they are in charge of identifying which technologies should be retired as new ones are deployed, as opposed to 18% of those with low performers.

Upon Further ReviewUpon Further Review

45% of CFOs at high performers say they drive decisions and actions when it comes to redefining the cost model of business as new technologies are implemented, compared to 38% of those with low performers.

Big ProjectBig Project

Only 4% of CFOs say they have fully deployed big data analytics throughout all businesses, but 20% expect to do so within two years.

Bigger InputBigger Input

60% say their influence in providing insightful analytics has increased, and about the same say their influence in partnering effectively with enterprise functions has grown.

Integrated EffortIntegrated Effort

51% say they’ve adopted integrated business services, and this figure is expected to increase to 56% within two years.

Service SupportService Support

Nearly two in five anticipate increasing their investments in the cloud and SaaS by at least 26% in two years, and 11% say that increase will exceed 50%.

Moving ForwardMoving Forward

Nearly one-quarter say their investments in mobility will increase by at least 26% within two years, and one in 10 say the increase will exceed 50%.

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