Why Companies Are Turning to Managed IT Services

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Why Companies Are Turning to Managed IT Services

Why Companies Are Turning to Managed IT ServicesWhy Companies Are Turning to Managed IT Services

By Dennis McCafferty

Handing OffHanding Off

49% of survey respondents said their companies’ IT functions are either mostly or partially outsourced today.

Future PlansFuture Plans

50% said they’ll consider using an outside IT firm over the next two years if the need arises, while another 15% are evaluating the employment of an outside IT firm now.

Highly RecommendedHighly Recommended

Nine out of 10 are either “mostly” or “very” satisfied with their managed services experience.

Smart SpendingSmart Spending

93% said their managed services arrangements either met or exceeded cost-savings expectations.

Top Ways Businesses Are Using IT Service ProvidersTop Ways Businesses Are Using IT Service Providers

Repairing/troubleshooting IT: 70%, General IT consulting: 51%, Deploying/installing/integrating IT: 48%, Conducting cyber-security tasks: 47%, Designing Website: 47%

Top Managed Services Decision-DriversTop Managed Services Decision-Drivers

Improving efficiency/reliability of IT: 56%, Enhancing security/compliance: 38%, Freeing up IT staff to work on strategic projects: 38%, Boosting ROI/cost savings: 33%, Taking proactive approach to maintenance: 27%

Personnel DecisionPersonnel Decision

72% of survey respondents at large companies said their organization kept IT staffing the same after outsourcing tech needs to a managed services provider, while 24% said IT headcount was reduced.

Lukewarm EndorsementLukewarm Endorsement

61% said their satisfaction level with current IT management methods could be better, and 9% of those respondents said it could be “significantly” better.

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