Digital, Mobile to Dominate Marketing Efforts

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Digital, Mobile to Dominate Marketing Efforts

Sea ChangeSea Change

78% of global marketing executives feel that their department will undergo a fundamental transformation over the next five years due to the use of analytics, digital and mobile technologies.

Insufficient Efforts, Part IInsufficient Efforts, Part I

79%, however, feel their company will not be a fully operational digital business within that time, and one-quarter say a lack of critical technologies and tools is the chief barrier to digital integration.

Insufficient Efforts, Part IIInsufficient Efforts, Part II

Just 62% say their company currently provides a good customer experience.

Job PrerequisiteJob Prerequisite

42% feel that analytics skills will serve as a core competency of marketing over the next five years.

Combining StrengthsCombining Strengths

26% say marketing and IT will merge into a single function within the next five years.

Financial DominanceFinancial Dominance

37% say digital spending will account for more than three-quarters of the total marketing budget.

E-Mail Marketing StatusE-Mail Marketing Status

58% say they’re either fairly effective or very effective within their e-mail channel campaign efforts, up from 44% in 2012.

Moving AheadMoving Ahead

58% say they are either fairly effective or very effective when it comes to mobile channel strategies, up from 50% in 2012.

Social SkillsSocial Skills

56% say they’re fairly effective or very effective with social media channels, up from 48% in 2012.

Adapting to Real-Time ConditionsAdapting to Real-Time Conditions

32% say they will not know what a marketing campaign will look like in advance in the near future, and that these campaigns will need to unfold in real time, as driven by customer intents and needs throughout all devices and channels.

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