How Tech Megatrends Put More Pressure on IT
67% of surveyed global IT decision makers view tech as a key strategic lever for business growth, but 48% said tech spending is moving outside of IT’s control.
71% of those surveyed said IT will need to serve as a broker for on-demand services in the future.
35% do not believe their organization has the right level of skills and knowledge to achieve key business priorities.
69% believe training IT staff to keep pace with the implications of megatrends such as the cloud, mobility, social tech and big data will be an organizational challenge for the next one to two years.
… Improving customer experience: 41%, … Building new products and services: 39%, … Streamlining business functions and improving efficiencies: 33%
64% feel that a mixed deployment of both public and private cloud can improve both agility and security.
74% view the increasing role of infrastructure automation–such as software-defined storage–as critical to business growth.
60% of IT decision makers said their organization is virtualizing critical apps.
26% said their organizations have created a software-defined data center.