Mobile’s Potential to Increase Productivity

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Mobile’s Potential to Increase Productivity

Increased Engagement With Mobile ContentIncreased Engagement With Mobile Content

The first half of 2014 saw 14.5% more interactions with content than the second half of 2013. 40% of those interactions are conducted on iPads, more than double the amount of interactions on Android tablets.

Global Growth in Mobile Content UsageGlobal Growth in Mobile Content Usage

Looking at the percentage of data coming from users in the major regions, North America shows the highest usage at 53%. Australia and New Zealand follow at 9%. Next come the United Kingdom (8%), France and Spain (6% each), and Germany (5%). The report’s authors note that Spain and Australia show higher-than-predicted usage based on traditional IT market size.

Most Productive Day of the WeekMost Productive Day of the Week

Tuesday is the most productive day of the week, increasing from 17% to 25% between the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014.

Tuesday Vanquishes ThursdayTuesday Vanquishes Thursday

Tuesday replaced Thursday for most weekday interactions. Monday and Friday remained the least productive days of the week.

Types of Mobile Content ExpandingTypes of Mobile Content Expanding

Users are shifting from engaging with traditional office file formats and engaging with new, more advanced types of content, such as interactive forms, micro-apps, HTML 5 and video. On an average business day, 27% of users engage with PDFs, 25% with video, and 16% with PowerPoint.

Apps as ContentApps as Content

Enterprise is treating mobile apps as simply another type of content, providing an integrated system for delivery. Although less than 4% of enterprises have implemented solutions that mix content and apps, this is likely to increase during the rest of 2014 and throughout 2015.

Changing Content PatternsChanging Content Patterns

Previous bigtincan reports have found that enterprises use content on mobile devices to improve productivity inside their organizations. This report finds users share content outside their organizations more frequently. 70% of shared content is outside the email domain of the user doing the sharing.

Link-Based vs. Server SharingLink-Based vs. Server Sharing

The report found that 40% of users in the first half of 2014 shared a story using a link compared to 27% in the second half of 2013. Link-based file sharing was less popular, but grew since the last report; 15% did so in the first half of this year, compared to 8% at the end of last year.

Internet-Based FeedsInternet-Based Feeds

Three categories of Internet feeds were measured: RSS, Twitter-based feeds and Facebook-based feeds. RSS leads with 52% during the first half of this year compared to 38% in the last half of 2013, not surprising because these feeds are more flexible and often tailored to news feeds for enterprise.

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