Mobility Tops the List of Digital Priorities

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Mobility Tops the List of Digital Priorities

Top Digital Priorities for OrganizationsTop Digital Priorities for Organizations

Mobility: 77%, Analytics: 72%, Connected products: 65%, Cloud computing: 62%, Social tech: 61%

Game PlanGame Plan

44% of C-level execs say their organizations have a formal enterprise-wide mobility strategy, and nearly the same percent say they have such a strategy for specific business units or functions.

Stuck in NeutralStuck in Neutral

Only 2% say their organizations have no mobility strategy and have no plans to develop one.

Top Priorities for Developing Mobile Apps for the Next 12 MonthsTop Priorities for Developing Mobile Apps for the Next 12 Months

To improve existing apps with focus on reliability and user satisfaction: 46%, To grow overall mobile presence with new apps: 44%, To implement new features and take advantage of the latest technologies, such as geo-location and social-focused features: 42%

Top Emerging Technologies for OrganizationsTop Emerging Technologies for Organizations

Low-energy components and connectivity standards: 44%, Wearable computing: 39%, Natural user interfaces, such as voice recognition and motion-based tech: 38%

Ubiquitous PresenceUbiquitous Presence

47% of C-level execs say coming up with connected in-vehicle solutions for enterprise users is a relevant business priority, and nearly as many say implementing connected building and plant solutions is also one.

Ahead of the Curve, Part IAhead of the Curve, Part I

83% of C-level execs at mobility-leader organizations view mobility as a top five digital priority, while 77% of C-level execs at other organizations rank mobility this high.

Ahead of the Curve, Part IIAhead of the Curve, Part II

54% of C-level execs at mobility-leader companies say they have a formal, enterprise-wide mobility strategy, compared to just 43% of C-level execs at other companies.

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