Wringing Productivity From Mobile Apps

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Wringing Productivity From Mobile Apps

Wringing Productivity From Mobile AppsWringing Productivity From Mobile Apps

Mobility professionals are seeking ways to gain more productivity from apps, but the complexity of the app landscape poses security challenges.

Productivity Is KeyProductivity Is Key

Asked to identify the primary goal for their enterprise mobility program, 43% of respondents named improved productivity.

Complex LandscapeComplex Landscape

55% of respondents this year—compared to 48% last year—said that many operating systems and management methods are their chief pain points. BYOD and contractors’ devices, and inadequate budgets followed, both at 45%.

What's Next?What’s Next?

80% of respondents said they plan to expand their app portfolio over the next 12 months, but 33% find it difficult to identify the most important apps to create going forward.

Top Mobile Security ConcernsTop Mobile Security Concerns

Compromised mobile devices: 60%,
Corporate data on personal and other unmanaged mobile devices: 57%,
Mobile-based threats on apps, internal network, infrastructure, etc.: 52%

Apps Beyond the EnterpriseApps Beyond the Enterprise

86% of organizations offer apps to their employees, and more are offering them to contract workers (41%), hourly workers (24%) and business partners (20%).

Custom Apps With the Greatest ImpactCustom Apps With the Greatest Impact

Field service apps: 30%,
Productivity apps: 30%,
Selling tools: 25%,
HR apps: 8%,
Travel: 7%

Strategies Used to Drive App UsageStrategies Used to Drive App Usage

Promote apps internally: 57%,
Include users in the app development process: 51%,
Enable mobile access to critical enterprise systems: 44%

Mobile Help DesksMobile Help Desks

Compared to 2016, 31% more companies have a mobile help desk, and 25% promote apps internally. This internal marketing effort results in maximum ROI for mobility programs.

Mobile App RecommendationsMobile App Recommendations

Build on maturity by scaling your mobile programs in breadth and speed.
Determine the market penetration for your custom apps.
Involve users in app development.
Contain complexity and maximize flexibility.
Create a pipeline of great app ideas.

Karen A. Frenkel Avatar