Enterprises and companies of all sizes are always on the lookout for ways to decrease their energy consumption, whether it s to save money during budget-crunch time, to streamline and create a more efficient infrastructure, or simply a desire to operate a green environment.
The question then for IT managers who are considering these types of projects is where to begin? A good place to focus these efforts is the data center, one of the biggest energy hogs in organizations.
If an enterprise or even a small business is looking for justification for this type of change, there is much evidence to support at least considering a greener data center.
For example, a report issued in September by London-based research firm DatacenterDynamics shows that data centers around the world are expected to use 19 percent more energy in the coming 12 months than they had in the previous year.
In addition, more than one-third of companies say they expect at least one of their data centers to run out of power, cooling or space sometime within the next year, according to an Uptime Institute report that surveyed 525 data center owners and operators in the United States, Europe and Asia.
The Aberdeen Group has surveyed thousands of organizations worldwide in the past 12 months, and the research shows that enterprise technology decision makers are preparing for an enormous increase in the pace of data growth, as well as the variety of data services that will be required to manage that growth, said Russell Klein, an analyst with the Boston-based research firm.
Regardless of whether the actual physical IT components are located on-premise or hosted by a cloud computing services provider, the company is still paying for the infrastructure, said Klein. As a result, all businesses–large and smal–should be concerned about controlling data center costs, including energy consumption.
Fortunately, enterprises and other organizations can take steps to reduce data center energy bills. One way to reduce power is by using more energy-efficient equipment, such as blade servers, and housing the equipment in more eco-friendly facilities.
For example, Earth Rangers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating children about green practices, transformed its data center in part by deploying blade servers. Earth Rangers, based in Woodbridge, Ontario, also adopted continuous data protection software, which allows full restoration of data and services from one site to another within minutes of a disaster. By using this software instead of traditional tape, the organization avoids burning fossil fuels to truck tape libraries off-site.
The data center is housed in the Earth Rangers Centre, a showcase of sustainable technology that the organization says uses 80 percent less energy than traditional buildings its size. In addition, the facility incorporates an eco-efficient green roof.
To read the original eWeek article, click here: Green Data Centers Hold the Key to Better Enterprise Infrastructure