Industry Focus: Can IT Save the Airline Industry?

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Spiking fuel costs, low-cost competition, changing business models and new technologies have forced nearly everyone in the airline industry to consider how best to use IT to optimize efficiencies and cut costs. This special section on the airline industry offers case studies, analysis and expert opinion on how technology can help the industry get back on track.

Case Studies:

  • Case Study: Continental Airline’s Tech Strategy Takes Off

    At a time when most U.S.-based airlines are courting bankruptcy, Continental is turning to IT to improve customer service and beat the competition.

  • Case Study: Seizing the Gate at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport

    Common-use IT networks made Toronto a pioneer among North American airports. The new shared-services approach should save millions, create revenue and improve passenger service. So why was it such a hard sell?

  • From Baseline: Delta Has to Defend Tech-Dependent Business Plan

    Delta Air Lines says technology will be a key part of its transformation from a bankrupt to a viable airline, but first it’ll have to convince creditors that its yet-to-be-selected 2006 projects are worth the effort.

  • From Baseline: US Air’s New Challenge: Connecting Systems, Not Just Flights

    The new US Airways formed from the combination of low-cost carrier America West Airlines and the twice-bankrupt US Airways, officially took flight on Sept. 27, 2005.


  • Innovation: Continental’s Wireless Plan on the Wing

    New wireless services can improve the customer experience and save the airlines money.

  • Analysis: IT’s Wild Blue Yonder

    Can technology save the airline industry? Can anything save the airline industry?


  • Expert Voices: Air Transport Association’s John Heimlich

    The chief economist for the Air Transport Association says 2006 is the best year since 2000 for revenue, but fuel costs and antiquated flight-tracking pose financial and safety concerns.

  • Expert Voices: Frontier Airlines CIO Bob Rapp on High-Yield Business Intelligence

    Open-source parallel processing helps an emerging low-cost carrier maximize capacity and improve revenue.

  • Thinking Out Loud: Toronto Airport Authority IT Vice President Jim Burke

    Jim Burke believes that common use is common sense. Like a lot of other common-sense approaches, it’s proving revolutionary.

  • Viewpoint: Remaking British Airways

    Q&A with CIO Paul Coby on reengineering IT

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