State CIOs Benefit From Shifts in IT Management

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State CIOs Benefit From Shifts in IT Management

Taking ChargeTaking Charge

69% of state CIOs say they perform “formal oversight and control” of their state’s large, critical IT projects.

A Major Juggling ActA Major Juggling Act

Nearly one-half are currently overseeing more than 20 critical IT projects, and 24% are overseeing more than 50.

Big Ticket ItemsBig Ticket Items

More than one-half of those critical projects are budgeted for more than $20 million, and 34% are budgeted for more than $50 million.

Limited ViewLimited View

More than two-thirds have a formal review and rating system for tracking the progress of projects, but only 23% use a publicly available dashboard to do so.

Top Factors for IT Project MeasurementTop Factors for IT Project Measurement

Schedule variance: 92%, Risk level: 87%, Budget variance: 84%, Achievement of business objectives: 71%, Stakeholder communicationsand acceptance: 58%

High MarksHigh Marks

39% of state CIOs say their large, critical projects have been “generally all successful,” and only 2% say they’ve been generally unsuccessful.

Biggest Success Drivers of Projects:Biggest Success Drivers of Projects:

Executive sponsorship: 65%, Governance and decision-making effectiveness: 58%, Project management effectiveness: 58%

Data CrunchData Crunch

65% of state CIOs say their state owns and operates a consolidated data center, up from 55% in 2010.

Using Hired HelpUsing Hired Help

81% say their state outsources some of its IT apps and services needs, up from 42% in 2010.

Managing Managed ServicesManaging Managed Services

60% say their state uses a managed services model for some or all IT operations, up from 50% in 2010.

A Work in ProgressA Work in Progress

Four in five say they’ve either made “some” progress or have “a long way to go” in developing operating discipline for managing data.

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