Why Companies Are Increasing UX Testing Efforts

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Why Companies Are Increasing UX Testing Efforts

Why Companies Are Increasing UX Testing EffortsWhy Companies Are Increasing UX Testing Efforts

UX testing is still in a developmental stage for most companies, but its implementation is critical to providing a smooth experience for users in the digital realm.


Only 36% of survey participants say their organization has a dedicated team for UX research.

Test ScheduleTest Schedule

37% say they run usability tests either weekly or monthly, while 36% say they do so on an “as-needed” basis.

Rigorous ExaminationRigorous Examination

Nearly half say the frequency of usability testing increased last year compared to 2014, and one-of-five say it increased “significantly.”

Side TaskSide Task

63% say they spend no more than one-quarter of their time conducting usability tests.

Fiscal FunkFiscal Funk

About one-third say their company does not have a monthly budget for UX research, and 28% say they are unaware whether their organization has such a budget.

Larger StakeLarger Stake

35% say their company’s UX research budget increased last year compared to 2014, and 12% say it “increased significantly.” Less than 4% say it decreased.

Top UX Research InvestmentsTop UX Research Investments

Usability testing: 72%, Surveys: 57%, Interviews: 49%

Participation PoolParticipation Pool

58% say they recruit existing users to participate in usability testing, while 32% rely on usability testing services.

Off-Site, Part IOff-Site, Part I

77% conduct at least some of their company’s usability testing remotely, and three of 10 do so more than half of the time.

Off-Site, Part IIOff-Site, Part II

Two-thirds say their company’s remote usability testing is moderated at least some of the time, and nearly one-quarter opt for moderated testing more than half of the time.

Rise of the MachinesRise of the Machines

60% say that multi-device interaction—such as smartwatch to phone—will emerge as one of the most important trends impacting UX within the next five years, and 40% say wearable tech will.

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